The Property Info page

In this article


Finding the Property Info page



Property Portal includes many resources to administer your property. The easiest way to see all the information we store about your property is through the Property Info page. 

Finding the Property Info page

To find the property info page for a specific property:

  1. Start off by finding the Properties section on the left sidebar, and selecting Active Properties.
  2. Next, find the property you’re looking for; you may see it in the properties list, or you can use the search bar to find it by name.
  3. Once you’ve selected a property, select Property Info in the left sidebar.

You should now see a page that looks like this:

1. Property Information

This section displays all the basic information we store about a property, such as:

  • The property phone number,
  • Your property website,
  • Email addresses,
  • The email for the property manager, and
  • Your property address. 

2. Tracking Information

This section displays all the information we use for our lead tracking features, including:

Note: The tracking phone numbers, email addresses, and website URLs are likely different than the phone numbers, emails, and website URLs for your property.

3. Subscriptions

The subscriptions section shows a breakdown of all the Products and Add-ons your property is subscribed to. This may include both active and inactive subscriptions depending on your property history.

Subscriptions are broken into two types: Products include PostEngine for Craigslist or PostEngine Agency for GMB. Add-ons are services that are features of specific products; examples include website, phone, and email tracking, Price Updating, Scheduled Posting, and more.

For a full list of available products and add-ons, check out our features page. 

If you need to reactivate any specific subscriptions, you can click Update Information on the Subscriptions section and request that we reinstate billing for the service(s). To reactivate an entire property, please see Reactivating Inactive Properties

4. Software Details

For more information about this section please see Installing & Activating PostEngine from Property Portal

5. Craigslist Credentials

For more information about this section please see Accessing Craigslist Credentials from Property Portal

6. Billing Information

This is the billing information currently on file for the property.


My property information looks incorrect.

If for any reason we have outdated information listed, you can click Update Information next to any specific section. This will open up a Contact Support window where you can let us know what is incorrect and needs to be updated.

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