Understanding the Emails page

In this article


The Emails page



Sometimes prospect leads need to go to one email address while robot emails need to go to another. PostEngine’s email lead tracking system solves this problem by automatically sorting, verifying, and directing emails to exactly where they need to go.

The Emails page gives you access to more information about these prospect emails. You can see when the email was sent, who received it, and if and when they responded.

The Emails page

To access the Emails page navigate to the Active Properties page and click on the name of the property you'd like to view. Then, click Emails.

1. The log shows you the date and time the prospect sent the email. It also shows you the email address it was sent to (the address listed here is the property’s email lead tracking address), the subject line of the email, and the number of messages associated with the conversation. 

2. Click the drop-down to view more about the conversation between the prospect and the property team. Here you can see when the response was sent, the email address it was sent from, and the subject line. 


I can’t access this page, how do I unlock it? 

If the page is locked you’ll need to reach out to the team at PostEngine to activate email lead tracking. Please email help@rooof.com or contact support through Property Portal, we’ll help you get set up! 

I don’t recognize the email address the prospect email was sent to.

That’s okay! This is one of PostEngine’s email lead tracking addresses and all email delivered to it is sorted by our system and forwarded to the inbox of your choice (typically leads are delivered straight to the property’s CRM/leads inbox, and Craigslist robot emails are delivered to the property email address). Still have questions? Click here to learn more about PostEngine’s email lead tracking feature. 

Next: Understanding the Website Traffic page

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