Getting started with Website Traffic Reporting

In this article

What is Website Traffic Reporting?

Why is it useful?

How does it work?

Where is the data?


What is Website Traffic Reporting?

PostEngine’s Website Traffic Reporting provides you with information about the traffic coming from your Craigslist ads to your property website. 

Why is it useful?

Website Traffic Reporting provides you with data that will help you evaluate the effectiveness of your Craigslist marketing efforts. 

It gives you answers to questions like:

  • How many prospects are visiting? 
  • When do they like to visit? 
  • Where are they located? 

How does it work?

When you create an ad with PostEngine a unique URL is automatically placed in the ad.

This is an example of what it will look like:

When a prospect uses that URL, their click-through data is captured and they are redirected to your property website. 

Where is the data?

The data is available to you in your Google Analytics How to Find PostEngine Traffic in Your Google Analytics


There’s no URL in my ad, how do I sign up? 

Your company may have opted out of Website Traffic Reporting. To find out more, please contact us at

My link needs to be updated because the company/property name has changed.

No problem! Reach out to us at and we’ll update the link to reflect your new company/property name.

I want to customize the tracking parameters.

We can add custom parameters to your unique URL. Contact us at to request this change! 

Why aren’t the URLs clickable? 

The desktop version of Craigslist doesn't allow clickable links. If a prospect is viewing your ad on their mobile device, the link will be clickable. 

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