Understanding the Overview page

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Understanding the Overview page



The Overview page provides quick access to important information about the property's posting and lead activity. You can adjust the timeframe on this page to have it display the information you want to view.

Understanding the Overview page

To access the  Overview page for a property, navigate to the Active Properties page, and click on the name of the property you'd like to view. After you've clicked on the property’s name, Property Portal will open to the Overview page. 

1.  Date Range - This is the date range you're currently viewing. To adjust it, click on the drop-down. 

2.  Export - You can export the data on this page in the following formats: CSV, JSON, XLSX

3.  Automated Posting - The total number of posts created by the property.

4.  Automatic Renewal - The total number of auto-renews that have been completed by PostEngine.

5.  Call Tracking - The number of phonecall leads the property's Craigslist ads have generated.

6.  Email Handling - The number of lead emails the property's Craigslist ads have generated.

7.  Website Traffic - The number of crossover clicks from the property's Craigslist ads to their property website.

8.  Posting Activity - This graph displays the number of Automated Posts and Automatic Renewals completed at the property, broken down by day.

9.  Posting Summary - This table displays a summary of the property's posting activity. The data is broken down by Week, Day, and type of Ad Activity. The Posting Summary provides a quick snapshot of the property's total number of weekly posts, the number of posts that were created using PostEngine's Scheduled Posting feature, and the number of posts renewed by PostEngine's Automatic Renewal feature.

10.  Posts Per Hour -  This graph displays the property's daily posting activity, broken down by hour. Here you can see what time of day the property team is most actively posting with PostEngine. 

11. Lead Activity - This graph shows you the number of lead emails the property has received and the number of visitors to the property website, broken down by day. 

12. Lead Summary - This table displays a summary of the property's lead activity. The data is broken down by Week, Day, and Leads per Source (lead emails and visits to the property website). 

13. Leads Per Hour - This graph displays the property's Craigslist lead activity, broken down by hour. Here you can see what time of day the team receives leads from Craigslist.  


Why can't I view Call Tracking/Email Handling/Website Traffic data? 

If some of the data on the Overview page isn't displayed for you, you may not be subscribed to the associated feature or the property team may not be posting. Please contact help@rooof.com, we're happy to help!

What is Scheduled Posting? 

Scheduled Posting is PostEngine's newest feature! It gives leasing teams the ability to schedule all of their Craigslist ads for the day in minutes. To request the feature or learn more, please visit the page linked here

Next: Understanding the Posted Ads Page

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