Understanding the Posted Ads page

In this article


The Posted Ads page



The Posted Ads page gives you access to real-time posting activity data for the properties in your portfolio. You can also view important lead data here, like the number of Craigslist prospect emails a property is receiving and the amount of website traffic their ads are generating.  

The Posted Ads page

To access the Posted Ads page for a property, navigate to the Active Properties page and click on the name of the property you'd like to view. 

1. Date Range - This is the date range you're currently viewing. To adjust it, click on the drop-down. 

2. Export - You can export the data in the following formats: CSV, JSON, XLSX

3. Automated Posting - The total number of posts created by the property.

4. Automatic Renewal - The total number of auto-renews that have been completed by PostEngine.

4. Email Handling - The number of Craigslist prospect emails the property has received. 

6. Website Traffic - The number of unique visitors to your website. 

7. Filters - Use the filters to adjust the ads that will be displayed in the list below. 

8. Log - Click the Ad Title to view the ad live on Craigslist.


Can I export a PDF of the data? 

You can export the data in the following formats: CSV, JSON, XLSX. If you need a PDF, press  Ctrl + P to print the page and you'll be given the option to save the file as a PDF!

Email Handling/Website Traffic is locked, how do I unlock these features? 

Email help@rooof.com or contact support through Property Portal and a member of our team will get you set up.

What is Automated Posting/Automatic Renewal/Email Handling/Website Traffic? 

For more information, click on the question mark in the bottom right corner of the window to access the help docs that explain these features in greater detail. Still have questions? Reach out to us at help@rooof.com or through Property Portal

Next: Understanding the Emails page

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