Setting and Excluding Amenities in your PostEngine Settings
In this article
Before you start: Installing the PostEngine Google Chrome Extension or Installing PostEngine for Desktop
This page will cover the Amenities section of your PostEngine settings page.
To Access your PostEngine settings page:
If you're using the PostEngine Chrome extension -
1. Open Google Chrome, click on the puzzle-piece icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser window
2. Click on the blue, PostEngine icon
3. Click Settings
If you're using the PostEngine for Desktop application -
1. Open PostEngine for Desktop
2. Click PostEngine Settings on the left hand side
Basic Amenities
The Basic Amenities section allows you to select the amenities that can be included in your Craigslist ads.
The following numbers correspond to items in the screenshot above:
- Use the drop down to select the appropriate amenity information for your property.
- Check the Always ask me box if you would like to preview the amenity selection every time you post.
- Parking and Laundry are mandatory fields on Craigslist!
- This amenity information is displayed on Craigslist as highlighted in the screenshot below:
Optional Amenities
The Optional Amenities section allows you to add amenities in addition to what PostEngine is already pulling from your property website.
The following numbers correspond to items in the screenshot above:
- Click the + button to expand the amenity category and see the options available.
- Check off the amenity options that apply and that you would like included in your Craigslist ads.
- The amenity options that you choose will be listed in this section. You are also able to click on this box and add additional amenities by typing them in (press Enter after typing each amenity). Use the trash can icon to delete an amenity.
- Amenities that are on your property website are automatically included in your ads. Do not check off or add amenities that are already on your website as this will result in duplicated amenities listedin your ads.
- PostEngine will include a random selection of amenities in each ad (from both your website and settings page).
Excluded Amenities
The Excluded Amenities section allows you to exclude amenities from your ads.
To exclude an amenity, type it into the box. Press enter between each amenity you wish to exclude.
- In order to successfully exclude an amenity, you must enter it exactly how it is listed on your website.
Remember to click the green Save button when you are done making changes!
I post for multiple properties. Am I able to save different amenities for each property?
Anything you save in your PostEngine Settings page will pull for ALL properties you post for. Unfortunately you can't save different options for different properties. For Basic Amenities, you may want to check off the Always Ask Me box so that you can choose the correct option each time you create an ad!
None of the Parking options in the Basic Amenities section are appropriate for my community. Can I leave this blank?
The Parking (and Laundry) field is mandatory on Craigslist and these are the only options that they have offer (we can't change or add any here). You will need to choose an option from the list that best describes the parking at your community. If you want, you can add a custom disclaimers in the Headers & Footers section which describes your Parking options in more detail.
Why aren't all of my amenities showing up each time I post?
PostEngine automatically pulls and lists a random selection of amenities in each ad! This helps create content variability and ensures that each ad you post is unique.