Posting Reminders

In this article

Access Your PostEngine Settings Page

Over-Posting Protection

In-App Posting Reminders


Before you start: Installing the PostEngine Google Chrome Extension or Installing PostEngine for Desktop

Access your PostEngine settings page:

If you're using the PostEngine Chrome extension  
  1. Open Google Chrome,  click on the puzzle-piece icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser window
  2. Click on the blue, PostEngine icon
  3. Click Settings
If you're using the PostEngine for Desktop application 
  1. Open PostEngine for Desktop
  2. Click PostEngine Settings on the left-hand side

Over-Posting Protection

The Over-Posting Protection section allows you to adjust the amount of time you want to leave between your posts. We recommend spacing your ads evenly throughout the day to avoid issues with Craigslist flagging and ad removal. Craigslist doesn't like it if you post too close together, they see it as spam and will delete your ads. 

To adjust the amount of time you'd like to leave between each ad, use the drop-down next to Minimum time between ads. We recommend selecting Remind me to allow at least 1 hour between posts to ensure adequate spacing between posts and to maintain the health of your Craigslist account.  

Please note: If you try to post faster than the amount of time you set here, PostEngine will warn you to leave more time before posting again.

In-App Posting Reminders

The In-App Posting Reminders section allows you to manage the posting reminders that pop up in either Google Chrome or your PostEngine for Desktop App. 

In-App Posting Reminders show up in the bottom right corner of Google Chrome or your PostEngine for Desktop application. Use these settings to manage how often you receive reminders to post. These reminders can help you keep on track for your daily posting goals.

  1. Toggle in-app reminders on and off using this button.
  2. Enter your posting goal here, reminders will stop once you've met your goal for the day.
  3. Select what time you would like reminders to start and end each day.
  4. Select how frequently you would like PostEngine to remind you within the selected hours.


I post for multiple properties but keep getting told I'm posting too much.

If you're posting for multiple properties and leaving enough time between your posts, there is the option to  click the post anyway link at the bottom of the pop-up to continue posting. Just remember to only post one ad per hour per property! 

Why do you recommend leaving one hour between each post? 

Craigslist will often flag and delete ads that are posted too close together. Leaving enough time between each post greatly reduces the risk of this happening to your ads!  

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