PostEngine's Auto-Renew Feature

In this article


How does Auto-Renew work?

Access Your PostEngine Settings Page

How to enable/disable Auto-Renew and adjust your Auto-Renew settings



When you post on Craigslist your ad appears at the top of the listings page. Anyone looking at Craigslist at that time will see your ad first which means more clicks and more replies. As people continue to post throughout the day, your ad will get pushed further down the page. Since most prospects don’t get past the first 1-2 pages, this can really affect your reply rate. 

This is where PostEngine's Auto-Renew feature comes in! Craigslist ads become eligible for renewal 48 hours after they're posted. When an ad is renewed it's brought back to the top of the listings, allowing more potential residents to see it.

PostEngine's Auto-Renew feature  checks your Craigslist account for ads that are eligible for renewal and automatically places them back at the top of page one on Craigslist. As long as you keep PostEngine running, the software will wake up at set intervals (e.g. every two hours) and check for/renew eligible ads in your Craigslist account. 

How does Auto-Renew work?

Every ad posted on Craigslist is eligible for renewal every 48 hours.  PostEngine will attempt to renew one ad per 1-2 hours (depending on your chosen time frame) bringing it back up to the top of page one.  

What Auto-Renew is: 

  • A way to automatically renew ads you've already created.
  • A gradual process to renew ads over a longer period of time.

What Auto-Renew isn't:

  • Automatic creation of new ads. You will still need to create new ads by clicking the blue Post Now buttons.  If there are no active ads in your Craigslist account, there will be no eligible ads for renewal and PostEngine will have nothing to work with! 
  • A way to renew all eligible ads at once.  You may have multiple ads in your account that are eligible for renewal, however, PostEngine will stagger the renewals in order to increase your spread on Craigslist.
Note:  In order for PostEngine to complete Auto-Renews, your computer needs to be on and either Google Chrome or your PostEngine for Desktop app needs to be open and running as much as possible! 

Access your PostEngine Settings Page

If you're using the PostEngine Chrome extension  
  1. Open Google Chrome,  click on the puzzle-piece icon in the upper right corner of the Chrome browser window
  2. Click on the blue, PostEngine icon
  3. Click Settings
If you're using the PostEngine for Desktop application 
  1. Open PostEngine for Desktop
  2. Click PostEngine Settings on the left-hand side

How to enable/disable Auto-Renew and adjust your Auto-Renew settings

The  Auto-Renew section is located in the Credentials tab of your PostEngine settings.

The following numbers correspond to the numbers in the screenshot above:

  1. Renew account- The account(s) listed here will be checked for renewals. To enable/disable Auto-Renew, use the toggle to switch the feature On/Off.
  2. Auto-Renew Frequency - Open the drop-down to select how often you'd like PostEngine to check your account for ads that are eligible for renewal. We recommend setting this to 2 hours (recommended). PostEngine will check your account at the frequency you select and will renew one eligible ad each time.
  3. Auto-Renew Limit - Open the drop-down to select how long after originally posting an ad you would like PostEngine to continue renewing it. Your ad is live for 30 - 45 days, depending on your region. 


This section is locked and I can't change it.

Some property management companies have PostEngine lock this option on a specific setting. This is to ensure that the corporate policy is enforced across the entire portfolio. If you have any questions about this, please contact your marketing team or email

I have auto-renew turned on, why aren't my ads automatically renewing?

In order for Auto-Renew to work correctly, please make sure to always leave either Google Chrome or your PostEngine for Desktop application open and running on your computer.  This will ensure PostEngine is able to complete the Auto-Renew tasks throughout the day. It's also important to post new ads consistently so that there are ads in your Craigslist account for Auto-Renew to renew! 

I post for multiple properties but only one is receiving automatic renewals.

By default, PostEngine will renew ads in only one account. This is often the property you posted for most recently.  However, PostEngine's Support Team can enable  Multi-Account Auto-Renew for you so that all of the accounts you manage get automatic renewals!  Please reach out to to request this feature. 

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